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22.03.2012 By: Emiliano Giovannetti (ILC/CNR, Pisa)

Greek into Arabic at Palazzo Rucellai, Florence

The International Studies Institute at Palazzo Rucellai, Firenze, hosted "Greek Into Arabic" on March 8, 2012.
From left to right: A. Bozzi, E. Giovannetti

From left to right: A. Bozzi , E. Giovannetti

The Project and its issues have been presented by Dr. Cristina D’Ancona ("La trasmissione delle opere filosofiche dal greco all’arabo: il caso delle Enneadi"), the Director of ILC-CNR, Dr. Andrea Bozzi, and Dr. Emiliano Giovannetti (“Greek into Arabic: contenuti, tecnologia e applicazioni umanistiche e scientifiche di un nuovo software”). Our warmest thanks go to the professors and staff of the Institute, as well as to all the colleagues who attended the meeting, for the in-depth discussion.

Greek into Arabic charts the past to anticipate the future >
< Mission to Tehran, by Marco Di Branco
